Contact Teri McCarthy on 07955024372
Telstars Theatre Company is a self-financing group, with a small regular membership of just 10-15 people drawn from all walks of life. New members are always welcome. Essentially a Drama group, they perform occasional musical reviews. Funds are raised via an annual membership fee and through the sale of tickets and programmes. The company meets regularly on Thursday evenings, with additional rehearsals and work times for specific performances. Members are encouraged to participate in acting, producing, directing, writing, stage-management and back-stage work. Experience is not essential and newcomers will find encouragement, support and advice from existing members with a wide range of skills and aptitudes. Telstars have had an influx of new members recently ensuring that their fifth decade will be as productive and successful as their previous four!
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Contact Us
New Members are always welcome to join our merry band of Players! No Experience is needed. Front of House, Back Stage, or a Shining Star.
Contact Teri McCarthy on 07955024372